Club Chiaráin, Day 5

Club Chiaráin 2024 came to a close on Friday with day 5. It was a magnificent and highly successful week.

As is tradition, John Herlihy ran his annual Poc Fada competitions for all the participants and we thank John for this great jesture in providing trophies for the winners and finalists.

The clash of the Ash went quiet around midday as yet amother tradition, the visit of the ice cream van, took place. The camáns were tossed aside as everyone, on the field and off it, were treated to a large ice cream after a fantastic weeks work.

As always – EVERYONE went home happy !

We will have a full report on the week from a man who did so much to make this week work, Seán Ó Tuama asap

What an atmosphere

Cathal and Coby with the 9s and an ice cream

Sharon with the 10s and some Uachtar Reoite


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