Club Chiaráin – Day 3

Day 3 of Club Chiaráin took place inn beautiful Shanbally sunshine. Back to the ancient game of hurling and camógie once again and the same enthusiasm and vigour was on display.

Today we give a shout out to the ancillary staff who keep things ticking over in the clubhouse – Mairéad and Dee (Childrens Officer) are responsible for all things food and liquid, with plenty of tae and sandwiches for the hungry and thirsty coaches.

Seán Ó Tuama, Pat Mac and Deano are in charge of the gear and everything is on hand for the coaches from 9.45am onwards each morning.

We also had a visit from an official photographer (Siobhán Russell) and they will hopefully be in the NEXT edition of the The Carrigdhoun Newspaper in 2 weeks time.

We cant wait for Thursday with what looks like another sunny morning.

U10s with Kebin, Alan Mac and Pa

U12 girls with Ellie Hickey

U8 girls with Ronan, Clodagh, Deirdre and Maura


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