The Shamrock Hurling & Football Club has lost a wonderful and kind lady whose work and contributions over many years is surely unmatched and her passing has left a huge void that maybe impossible to fill.
Geraldine knew only one measure and that was 100%, week in week out, and year in and year out. Her kind heart and endearing spirit saw her at the forefront doing only good, giving, helping, supporting and ensuring that her effort made life somewhat better for one and all. Geraldine was as long standing member of the Club’s Lotto Committee and every Monday night without fail she would be in attendance for the weekly draw. It is easy for anyone to attend, but Geraldine would have a bag full of sold tickets, and she, without question, provided the main thrust for the success for the draw. Her endearing personality and popularity enabled her to get sales where the rest of us would fail. She was always in great spirits and many a time she gave us all a lift when we were low.
The Saturday morning Under Age Academy has been a marked success for our Club over many years since it first started. We are very fortunate to have a fine group of very dedicated Coaches who do excellent work. But where does Geraldine fit in here? Geraldine had her own special place, running the Club’s kitchen. This was a very happy and pleasant venue for both Parents and Children alike. Tea and Coffee were on the go all morning for parents and visitors. Then when a child might get a knock or al bump they would be brought straight to Geraldine for treatment. She had the best anti biotic in Shanbally, a jar of lolly pops. When the jar was produced from under the counter, tears turned to smiles and pain disappeared. It is only Geraldine could do this. She got her pleasure and her satisfaction in life by giving and helping. This is without doubt a lasting and formidable legacy for this special lady.
Geraldine Twomey, had a big heart, a heart of gold. She epitomised the best of her Christianity, her greatest goal in life was helping and doing good for others. When fundraisers were wanted for deserving causes and charities, she would be to the fore and always make a very telling contribution. Sadly some of the best are taken from us but her passage through life has left an indelible mark never to be erased,
May her gentle soul rest in peace agus ar dheis De go raibh a h-Anam dilis.
Deepest and heart felt sympathy is extended to her husband John, the Club’s esteemed Under Age Chairman, her daughter Aileen, sons Steven and Roy, her sisters Margaret and Deirdre and bother Craig and extended family