Another Milestone for the Shamrocks Club – November 2017
When The Shamrock Hurling & Football Club reflect on the season, now drawing to a close, they will surely feel very satisfied and proud of their Building Programme and Pitch development just completed.
We customarily summarise and access our season by the amount of silverware accumulated. However, there are other essential undertakings on hand, so necessary in positioning the Club into the future. Such was the case with Shamrocks in 2017 when a significant undertaking involving the construction of a new Gym with ancillary facilities along with the reconstruction of the main playing pitch.
The pitch was first laid out in 1964, the land having been purchased in 1963. In those years Michael Walsh was Chairman, Ted Hanley, Vice Chairman, Donie Enright Hon. Secretary and Paddy Drievers Hon. Treasurer. It was a big and brave decision then, buying six acres of land and proceeding with the development work. Prior to that the Club rented fields from local farmers. We have come a long way since and the men and women at the helm in 2017 possess the same ambition and desire for progress as those of fifty four years ago.
The main pitch has undergone a complete re-development including drainage, and an extension of its size in width and length. Modern fencing has been erected with all the other facilities brand new as well. It is a magnificent job of work and one which the Club can be very proud of. Modern training requires new methods and facilities.
The construction of a new purpose built Gym with all its extra facilities including a Wheelchair Toilet, is another progressive signal going forward. The short term and long term future is well catered for at Pairc Tadhg O’h-Ainnlaoi in Shanbally.
Recently The Club President, Mr. Michael Brennan along with his Vice-Presidents was invited to visit and view the new work. They were joined by members of the current Executive Committee and the Club Trustees. It was a real opportunity for these Ladies and Gentlemen who rendered sterling service to the Club in the past to view and admire the work being done by the people of the present. Having toured and visited all the facilities and new Pitch they were entertained to lunch locally afterwards.
The Club’s Senior Vice-president is Fr. Sylvester O’Flynn OFM Cap. based in Holy Trinity Church, Fr. Matthew Street, Cork City. He is our longest serving Vice-president having been elected 37 years ago in1980. He duly blessed the new premises and pitch and wished every good luck to all who would use them in the years ahead, while acknowledging the great work done by the people who made it all possible.
The people tasked with organising the work and all that goes with it were, Club Chairman Pat McCarthy, Dave O’Flaherty, Hon. Secretary, John Twomey, Hon. Treasurer and Paddy O’Mahony, former Chairman who acted as the Coordinator for the Pitch and Gym developments.
Among the guests were Joe O’Driscoll, a former Club Chairman and a man who served as Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the South- East Cork Division for fifteen years. Jerh Coveney led the Clubs Under 14 Hurlers to unprecedented successes in the early 1960’s winning South-East and County Titles. Neally O’Mahony and Anthony Ronayne were never found wanting on the playing pitch and when they hung up their booths served in many other capacities. Michael Brennan and Donal Brady are the only survivors of the Shamrock Under 16 Hurling team of 1948 that won the first ever championship in that grade having defeated St. Patricks of Upton in the final. Pat Howard and Helen Prout are the Club’s two Lady Vice-Presidents. Helen was a former distinguished Hon. Treasurer and Pat’s father Tom was one of three Shamrock Hurlers to win Junior All Ireland medals in 1916, having played against Midleton in the Cork County Senior Hurling Final that year as well. Our Groundsman Mr. Pat O’Neill, who is a Club Trustee will be looking forward to cutting a lot of grass on the new pitch. Also enjoying the gathering were Pat Twomey, former Chairman and Vice-president, Pat Tuohy, Brendan Harte, Paddy Andrews, Billy Hurley, one of our hurling greats of the past, Denis Allen, Diarmuid Murphy, Club PRO, Colin Brady, Hurling Manager and a grandson of Vice-President Donal Brady, and John Twomey, the Club’s Under Age Chairman.
To borrow an old phrase “ a great day was had by all”

Our Club Vice Presidents with executive Committee Members at the Gym Opening