Puc Fada – 29/12


Well done to everyone who took part in the very successful Puc Fada, which took place along the usual National Road Route between The Oratory Ringaskiddy and Shanbally Cross.


The forecast was bad but we just about were allowed by Mother Nature to complete the course in time before the serious rain arrived, despite the protestations of Colin O’Sullivan who blamed the cross wind and his late arrival (nothing new there) on his disappointing 27 shots!


Well done to all our winners, in particular Brian Sweeney who won the overall in an impressive 22 shots, followed by Cathal Kidney in second (after a playoff) with 25.



The following is the list of winners –


Senior Mens – Winner : Brian Sweeney (22 shots), Runner Up : Cathal Kidney (25 shots).


Womens – Winner : Ann Marie O’Flaherty, Runner Up : Laura McCarthy.


Mens over 50′s – Winner : Declan O’Neill, Runner Up : Jim Ronayne.


Mens over 40′s – Winner : Kevin O’Grady, Runner Up : Nick Lester.


U18 boys – Winner : Coby O’Grady, Runner Up : Darragh Scriven.


U15 Boys – Winner : Andrew O’Grady, Runner Up : David Andrews.



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