Camp Ciarán – Lá 5

The final day was one of mixed emotions, delight and appreciation of a great week and regret that it should now have come to an end today. Some children and parents queried, why we couldn’t have another week.
John and Kathleen Hanley were the good Samaratians this morning when they arrived with a large bag of ‘goodies’ for staff and children. When the 11 o’clock break came there was a party atmosphere.
The youngest visitor of the week was six month old Holly Lyons and she was there with her mum Jill supporting her three brothers Steve, Niky and Glen.   Holly was dressed in the camp attire and enjoyed every minute.
Camp Ciaran is a tribute to the late Kieran Hegarty, thus the title, and his mother Mary and Aunt Jennie also paid a visit.  They, too, were most impressed to see over seventy boys and girls clad in green, going through their paces and enjoying every minute. Gene Fowley paid his respects and the former Ringaskiddy publican was there to see and collect two of his grandchildren.
The pleasant weather also added to the final day’s enjoyment when all the participants received Club baseball caps as a souvenir of the inaugural Camp Ciaran.
A huge thanks to the Coaches and staff who made this camp work and run successfully. Club Chairman Pat McCarthy and Under Age Chairman John Twomey can reflect on this even with great satisfaction and with real hope and optimism for the future.

In Early September, when the schools re-open, the Saturday morning Academy will resume with a new and re-vamped programme.  New members will be very welcome and outgoing members and all Ciaran Camp participants will be duly notified beforehand.
We wish all boys and girls, Parents, Guardians, Grandparents, Uncles Aunts and friends who who have come to Pairc Tadgh O’h-Ainnlaoi a most enjoyable and fulfilling summer.   See you all in September………


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