Underage AGM – 3/2

The Juvenile Club held their annual AGM last Thursday, February 3rd in the Clubhouse in front of a decent attendance. The outgoing officers, John Twomey (Chairperson), Paddy Andrews (Secretary) and Gretta Sweeney (Treasurer) presented their comprehensive reports for the year 2010. The various managers/selectors for each age group were read out and see one or two changes from last year. John Twomey thanked all the underage coaches for their help with the Academy over the year.


The following are the underage officers for 2011. Chairperson – John Twomey (Ringaskiddy); Vice Chairperson – Peter Crowley, Secretary – Patrick Andrews (jnr); Treasurer – Paddy Andrews. Board Officers – Paddy Andrews and Peter Crowley. As one can see from the above, Gretta Sweeney stepped down as the Treasurer after many years service; John Towmey also thanked her for her committment over the years.



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