Underage Trip to Naval Base – 18/8


The u14’s and u12’s made a trip to the Naval Base on Tuesday morning. They were 24 players in total and 5 adults from those age groups.


Ellis Coveney was their guide for the day and he brought the group on a very detailed and interesting tour of the entire base. The lads got to see the inside of many historic and important buildings and got a boat tour of the Naval Shipyard where 5 of the Navys ships were anchored, including 2 brand news ones. The highlight of course was when they lads got to sit behind real gun turretts and hold bullets and missiles. Thankfully, nobody was injured on this occasion. To round out the day, the party was treated to dinner in the canteen.


Thanks to John Twomey (Ringaskiddy) who has spent the last few weeks organising the event. also, thanks to the Navy themselves and to our guide Ellis for their wonderful reception. Well done to the lads who were very well behaved on the day and thanks to the parents for the transport down.




The lads at the lookout tower on Haulbowline.

The lads at the lookout tower on Haulbowline.


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