Darts Marathon


The Juvenile section of the club ran a very successful fund raising Dart Marathon in the Shamrock Bar last Saturday. A lot of effort was involved in organising this event. The day started at 2pm when John Twomey, Jason Kavanagh and Sammy O’Driscoll  members of the successful Shamrock Bar Dart team started the days events. Howard Crowdy was on hand to get the photos taken early. The lads were then joined along the way by Cork County Youth Players Mattie Field and Cian Forde. Some more players then joined in to make it a very enjoyable evening. Great credit must go to the parents who turned up and provided us with some lovely food. Our local photographer Frank Van Pelt then made sure that the lads were all captured on camera as he paid us a visit. Our minors then took to the Oche at 8pm to show off their darting skills. The competitive edge was evident for all to see. Some of the younger players from the ladies football teams had their own competitions on the second board. It was then open to the general public and this proved to be a huge success when competitions were held for the Gents highest score, the Ladies highest score, the gents lowest score and also the ladies lowest score. This proved to be great fun. Some players really caught the eye and no doubt the Dart committee of the Shamrock Bar will be making contact in the near future. The winners of all the grades received some lovely prizes. A raffle was then held and some more excellent prizes were on hand for the lucky winners. The evening then finished off in style when the DJ had everyone out dancing on the floor. The young and old all got involved.


The club would like to say special thanks to the organising committee for running this event, to the parents who donated the refreshments, to the sponsors of all the excellent spot prizes, to those that sold sponsor cards and to Mark Hickey and his staff of the Shamrock Bar. A fund raising committee is now in place for the juvenile section of the club and we will be arranging another event before Easter. More details of this will be available shortly.
Members of the Shamrock Bar Darts Team: Sammy O'Driscoll, John Twomey (Ring) and Jason Kavanagh at our Darts Marathon in the Shamrock Bar, 7/2/15

Members of the Shamrock Bar Darts Team: Sammy O’Driscoll, John Twomey (Ring) and Jason Kavanagh at our Darts Marathon in the Shamrock Bar, 7/2/15



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