The AGM of the club in preperation for 2015 took place in the Grace McCarthy Rooms on Thursday night last before a medium sized attandance. The outgoing chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer gave their very detailed and comprehensive reports to the meeting.
All outgoing officers of the Executive were returned unopposed (Club President Michael Brennan conducting the election), with the exception of Vice Chairperson. The outgoing Kieran Lynam was not putting his name forward due to other committments and the Chairperson Pat Mccarthy thanked him for his trojan work over the past few years on the Exec. Declan O’Neill is the new Vice Chairperson.
The outgoing hurling selectors will be willing to go again in 2015. However, Mark Hickey will not be going forward in 2015 in the football managers position. This means that the incoming Executives first job is to source a replacement.
The Chairperson reported that Shamrocks will be entering both U21 B competitions in 2015, indeed training has already started. Aidan O’Leary, Shane O’Donovan, Colin Brady and Jonathan Tuohy will be leading up that team; the best of luck to them.