Last Friday night was the last night of the Indoor Academy for this winter term. The club decided to run a fun football blitz for all players under 10 and under 8.
It was a great success. We had healthy numbers and once the 5 teams were picked and the first ball ball was thrown in, it was all action, fun, games, goals, points, sweat, glory and participation for the big numbers of our future players who turned up on the night.
Each team played 7 games during the 2 hours and got refreshmenst at the midway point.
Our thanks to the organisers Shane O’Donovan, Seamus O’Flynn, Patrick Andrews, Deirdre Twomey on Administration and to John Jordan who refereed every game. Thanks to the players and the parents who supported the event.
We hope to see everyone outdoors on Saturday April 5th, with hurley, helmet and gumshield at the ready. 11.15am to 12.45pm every Saturday from now until the end of June (with a break for fixture clashes and communion).

Team Green – Mark Galland, Aiden Brady, Josh Barrett, Diarmuid Cahill, Nathan O’Sullivan, Barry O’Mahony